Success Stories


Still Marvel at how Fun Every Day Is!


We met on your site 11 years ago. We were married 9 years ago and still going strong!

Your site was the only site I tried and my first try at internet dating. I was feeling very hesitant but it was a site that most matched my philosophy. My husband had tried other sites and they weren't a good fit. We both felt Green Singles made sense. It didn't take long to find each other. We merged two families including 4 children successfully. It's been a great ride, my husband moved an hour away from his home to build a life together. We feel so blessed, we still marvel at how fun every day is. We found our best friend and funnest companion when we found each other on your site. Thanks for helping us to find each other.  

Thanks so much, 

UPDATE: It’s going great!! We have been together 18 years together.
 {NOTE: Conscious Dating Network is comprised of many "spiritual" and "green" dating sites that all share one database (like different rivers flowing into the same ocean), as a member, you have access to all members from all sites, automatically, no need to join other sites.}